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Growth of LLM Interactions

The Coming Wave of LLM Marketing: How Search Marketing Will Change

By Ross Brannigan

The digital marketing landscape is on the brink of a significant transformation. As more users shift from traditional search engines like Google to Large Language Models (LLMs) for their information needs, the dynamics of search marketing are poised to change dramatically. This article explores the implications of this shift, analyzing the importance of search for Google's revenue, the rise of LLMs, and how digital marketing strategies will need to adapt.

The Importance of Search for Google's Revenue

For over a decade, Google has dominated the search engine market, with search advertising being a cornerstone of its revenue model. According to Alphabet’s annual reports, Google's parent company, search advertising consistently contributes a substantial portion of its total revenue. Below are graphs depicting Google's revenue growth over the last decade and the share of revenue from search advertising:

These graphs illustrate that search advertising has been a significant driver of Google's financial success. Even as the company has diversified its revenue streams, the importance of search remains undiminished. However, the landscape is beginning to shift.

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The Rise of LLMs: A New Challenger

Large Language Models like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Anthropic are rapidly gaining traction. These AI-driven platforms offer more conversational and context-aware interactions, making them increasingly attractive for users seeking information and assistance.

According to a recent survey, user engagement with LLMs has grown exponentially over the past year. Here’s a graph showing the growth in LLM usage:

We could see a crossover of users from traditional search to LLM´s by 2025

This surge in popularity presents a direct challenge to traditional search engines. Users are finding that LLMs can often provide faster, more personalized responses compared to the conventional search engine experience.

Implications for Digital Marketing

As user behavior shifts towards LLMs, digital marketers will need to adapt their strategies. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Content Optimization for LLMs: Traditional SEO techniques will evolve to include optimization for LLMs. This means creating content that LLMs can easily interpret and present to users in a conversational format.

  2. Advertising Budgets: As user engagement with LLMs grows, advertisers will start reallocating budgets towards these platforms. This could include sponsored responses or embedded advertisements within LLM interactions.

  3. Data Privacy and User Trust: LLMs often handle more personalized data. Marketers will need to prioritize data privacy and build trust with users to ensure successful engagement on these platforms.

  4. Performance Metrics: New metrics will emerge to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts on LLMs, focusing on user engagement and conversion rates from conversational interactions.


The rise of LLMs marks a significant shift in the digital marketing landscape. While Google’s search advertising remains a powerhouse, the growing preference for AI-driven conversational models like ChatGPT and Anthropic is set to challenge the status quo. Marketers must stay ahead of these trends, adapting their strategies to leverage the unique opportunities presented by LLMs. This transition represents not just a change in tools, but a fundamental shift in how users seek and engage with information online.

As we stand on the cusp of this new era, the companies that can successfully navigate and harness the power of LLMs will be the ones that lead the future of digital marketing.


  • Alphabet Inc. Annual Reports

  • Recent surveys on LLM usage trends

  • Market analysis reports on digital advertising shifts