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Crowdstrike Outage

Crowdstrike Outage: A Global Tech Disaster Unfolds

By Ross Brannigan

Crowdstrike Outage: A Global Tech Disaster Unfolds

On Friday, July 19, 2024, a major outage of Crowdstrike's services led to widespread disruptions across multiple industries, most notably affecting airlines and travelers worldwide. This article delves into the incident, its far-reaching consequences, and the lessons to be learned from this tech calamity.

What Exactly Happened?

Crowdstrike, a leading cybersecurity company, experienced a critical failure in its systems due to a software update gone wrong. The company was reportedly rolling out a routine update when a null pointer exception occurred, causing their security software to crash on Windows systems globally. This update was pushed out on a Friday, contrary to common IT practices that advise against major changes before weekends.

The outage affected numerous organizations that rely on Crowdstrike's services for their cybersecurity needs, with airlines being among the most visibly impacted. The crash of Crowdstrike's software led to a cascade of failures in various IT systems, from check-in kiosks to flight management software.

Impact on Airlines and Travelers

Costs and Impact on Airlines

The financial toll on airlines has been substantial, though exact figures are still being calculated. Major carriers reported significant disruptions to their operations, including:

  1. Flight cancellations and delays

  2. Inability to process check-ins and boarding

  3. Disruptions to baggage handling systems

  4. Booking system failures

These issues led to increased operational costs, potential compensation claims from passengers, and a considerable hit to airlines' reputations.

Costs and Impact on Travelers

Travelers bore the brunt of the chaos, facing:

  1. Lengthy delays and unexpected cancellations

  2. Stranded passengers at airports worldwide

  3. Lost or delayed baggage

  4. Difficulty rebooking or getting information about their flights

The human cost in terms of stress, missed connections, and disrupted travel plans is immeasurable, while the financial impact on individual travelers ranges from additional accommodation and meal expenses to lost work time.

The Friday Rollout Controversy

A key point of discussion in the tech community has been Crowdstrike's decision to roll out the update on a Friday. It's a well-established best practice in IT circles to avoid major changes before weekends or holidays due to reduced staff availability for troubleshooting.

This incident has reignited debates about change management practices in critical IT systems. Questions are being raised about Crowdstrike's testing procedures and why such a catastrophic bug wasn't caught before deployment.

Broader Implications and Lessons Learned

  1. Cybersecurity Reliance: The incident highlights the critical dependence of modern businesses on cloud-based security solutions and the potential vulnerabilities this creates.

  2. Redundancy and Failsafes: There's a renewed focus on the importance of redundancy and failsafe mechanisms in critical IT systems.

  3. Communication Strategies: Crowdstrike's response time and communication during the crisis are under scrutiny, emphasizing the need for clear, rapid communication during such incidents.

  4. Regulatory Oversight: This event may lead to calls for increased regulatory oversight of critical IT infrastructure providers.

  5. Testing and Deployment Practices: The industry is likely to see a reevaluation of testing and deployment practices, especially for updates to critical systems.

The Road to Recovery

As systems come back online and operations slowly return to normal, the focus is shifting to prevention of similar incidents in the future. Crowdstrike, airlines, and other affected organizations are conducting thorough post-mortems to understand how this happened and how to prevent such widespread failures in the future.

The tech industry as a whole is watching closely, as the lessons learned from this incident will likely shape IT practices and cybersecurity strategies for years to come.


The Crowdstrike outage of July 2024 serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of our interconnected digital systems. As we become increasingly reliant on technology, the importance of robust, well-tested systems and sound IT practices cannot be overstated. This incident will undoubtedly be a case study in tech disasters for years to come, hopefully leading to improved practices and more resilient systems in the future.