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The Future of Content is Headless

It's Time to Get Serious About Your Marketing and Digital Strategy: Exploring Digital-First Content Strategies for Leading Modern Brands

By Ross Brannigan

Headless CMS platforms have become increasingly popular due to their flexibility and ability to integrate with various frontend technologies. This article compares four leading headless CMS solutions: Hygraph, Contentful, Sanity, and Strapi. We'll explore their features, strengths, and weaknesses to help you make an informed decision for your content management needs. We'll then take a dive into winning strategies for enabling a digital-first approach in your organisation's marketing and branding activities.

1. Hygraph (formerly GraphCMS)

Hygraph is a GraphQL-native headless CMS that offers a flexible content management solution with a focus on data relationships and content federation.


  • GraphQL-first approach, making it ideal for developers familiar with GraphQL

  • Strong content modeling capabilities

  • Content federation allows for connecting multiple data sources

  • Excellent documentation and developer experience

  • Built-in versioning and content scheduling


  • Steeper learning curve for teams unfamiliar with GraphQL

  • Pricing can be expensive for larger projects

  • Limited built-in integrations compared to some competitors

2. Contentful

Contentful is a popular, API-driven headless CMS known for its robust features and scalability.


  • Powerful content modeling and management

  • Extensive API documentation and SDKs for various programming languages

  • Strong ecosystem with many integrations and apps

  • Advanced localization features

  • Robust user roles and permissions


  • Can be expensive for larger projects or teams

  • Learning curve for non-technical users

  • Limited built-in asset optimization features

3. Sanity

Sanity is a flexible, real-time headless CMS with a customizable editing environment and strong developer tools.


  • Highly customizable content studio

  • Real-time collaboration features

  • Powerful query language (GROQ)

  • Great for structured content

  • Strong image handling capabilities


  • Steeper learning curve for content editors

  • Pricing can be complex for larger projects

  • Less extensive marketplace for plugins compared to some competitors

4. Strapi

Strapi is an open-source headless CMS that offers flexibility and customization options.


  • Open-source and self-hostable

  • User-friendly admin panel

  • Extensive plugin system

  • RESTful API and GraphQL support

  • Active community and regular updates


  • Self-hosting requires more technical expertise

  • Limited built-in localization features

  • Enterprise features may require paid plans

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Ranking based on overall features and usability:

  1. Contentful

  2. Sanity

  3. Hygraph

  4. Strapi

It's important to note that the ranking may vary depending on specific project requirements and team preferences.

Additional Considerations:

  1. Developer Experience: All four CMS platforms offer good developer experiences, but Sanity and Hygraph stand out for their query languages (GROQ and GraphQL, respectively), which can be powerful tools in the hands of experienced developers.

  2. Content Modeling: Hygraph, Contentful, and Sanity excel in content modeling capabilities, allowing for complex relationships between content types. Strapi offers good content modeling but may require more custom development for advanced use cases.

  3. Ecosystem and Community: Contentful has the most mature ecosystem with a wide range of integrations and plugins. Strapi, being open-source, has a growing and active community. Sanity and Hygraph have smaller but dedicated communities.

  4. Pricing: Strapi offers the most flexible pricing options, especially for those willing to self-host. Contentful and Hygraph can become expensive for large-scale projects, while Sanity offers a balance between features and pricing.

  5. Customization: Sanity offers the highest level of customization for the editing interface, which can be a significant advantage for complex content structures. Strapi's open-source nature also allows for extensive customization, albeit with more development effort.

  6. Real-time Capabilities: Sanity stands out with its real-time collaboration features, which can be crucial for teams working simultaneously on content.

  7. Company Suitability:

  • Hygraph: Best suited for medium to large companies with complex data relationships and those already using or willing to adopt GraphQL. It's particularly good for companies with diverse data sources that need to be unified.

  • Contentful: Ideal for large enterprises and global brands. Its robust features, scalability, and extensive integration capabilities make it suitable for companies with complex content needs across multiple channels and markets.

  • Sanity: Well-suited for companies that require highly customized content structures and real-time collaboration. It's great for creative agencies, media companies, and organizations with developer-heavy teams.

  • Strapi: Best for small to medium-sized businesses, startups, and organizations that value open-source solutions and have the technical capability to self-host and customize their CMS.

8. Alternatives to Professional DXP Platforms:

  • While traditional Digital Experience Platforms (DXPs) offer comprehensive, all-in-one solutions, some headless CMS platforms are emerging as viable alternatives, especially when combined with other best-of-breed solutions.

    Contentful and, to a lesser extent, Hygraph are positioned as potential alternatives to professional DXP platforms. They offer:

    • Robust content management capabilities

    • Extensive API-first approach allowing integration with various frontend and backend systems

    • Strong localization features

    • Scalability to handle enterprise-level content needs

    • Ability to serve content across multiple channels (web, mobile, IoT devices, etc.)

    However, to fully replicate a DXP's capabilities, these CMS solutions would need to be integrated with other tools for aspects like customer data management, personalization, and marketing automation.

9. Solution for Global Enterprise Brands:

For global enterprise brands managing diverse marketing channels, Contentful stands out as the strongest contender among these four options. Here's how it can be used as a source of truth:

  • Centralized Content Hub: Contentful can serve as a central repository for all digital content, ensuring consistency across channels and markets.

  • Content Modeling: Its powerful content modeling capabilities allow for the creation of reusable content structures that can be deployed across various platforms and locales.

  • Localization: Strong localization features enable efficient management of content across multiple languages and regional variations.

  • API-First Approach: This allows for seamless integration with various frontend systems, ensuring content can be delivered to any channel or device.

  • Workflows and Permissions: Robust user management and workflow features ensure proper content governance across large, distributed teams.

  • Versioning and Rollback: These features provide a reliable audit trail and the ability to manage content changes over time.

  • Integration Capabilities: Contentful's extensive integration options allow it to connect with other enterprise systems (CRM, PIM, DAM, etc.), creating a comprehensive digital ecosystem.

To use a headless CMS as a source of truth:

  1. Centralize all content creation and management within the CMS.

  2. Establish clear content models that reflect the organization's various content types and their relationships.

  3. Implement strong governance through user roles, permissions, and workflows.

  4. Utilize the CMS's API to distribute content to various channels and applications.

  5. Leverage integrations to sync data with other critical business systems.

  6. Use the CMS's versioning and audit features to track changes and ensure compliance.

While headless CMS is particularly strong in this area, it's worth noting that for some enterprises, a combination of solutions (e.g., Contentful for content management integrated with a robust PIM and DAM) might provide the most comprehensive "source of truth" system.

Enhancing Your Headless CMS or TechStack: Building a DXP-like Ecosystem

To transform your existing headless tech stack into a solution comparable to a full-fledged Digital Experience Platform (DXP), it needs to be complemented with tools for customer data management, personalization, and marketing automation. Here are some recommended options for both large global brands and startups:

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For Large Global Brands:

1. Customer Data Management: - Segment: Offers powerful customer data collection and unification. - Tealium: Provides enterprise-grade customer data orchestration.

2. Personalization: - Dynamic Yield: Offers advanced personalization and A/B testing capabilities. - Optimizely: Provides experimentation and personalization at scale.

3. Marketing Automation: - Marketo: Robust marketing automation for complex, multi-channel campaigns. - Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Comprehensive solution for customer journey orchestration.

4. Analytics: - Google Analytics 360: Enterprise-level web and app analytics. - Adobe Analytics: Part of Adobe Experience Cloud, offering deep insights.

5. E-commerce (if applicable): - Commercetools: Headless commerce platform that integrates well with Contentful.

Integration Example for Global Brands:

A large global brand could use Contentful as the content hub, integrated with Segment for customer data management, Dynamic Yield for personalization, Marketo for marketing automation, and Google Analytics 360 for analytics. This combination would provide a powerful, flexible system capable of delivering personalized content across multiple channels and markets.

For Startups (Open Source and Cost-Effective Options):

1. Customer Data Management: - RudderStack: Open-source customer data pipeline. - Apache Unomi: Open-source customer data platform.

2. Personalization: - Apache Camel: Open-source framework that can be used to build personalization engines.

3. Marketing Automation: - Mautic: Open-source marketing automation platform. - n8n.io: Open-source workflow automation tool that can be adapted for marketing purposes.

4. Analytics: - Matomo (formerly Piwik): Open-source analytics platform. - Open Web Analytics: Another open-source web analytics software.

5. E-commerce (if applicable): - Medusa: Open-source headless commerce platform.

Integration Example for Startups:

A startup could combine Contentful with RudderStack for customer data management, Mautic for marketing automation, and Matomo for analytics. For personalization, they could start with simple rules-based personalization using Contentful's content modeling and a custom frontend implementation, potentially integrating a tool like Apache Unomi as they grow.

Implementation Strategies:

1. API-First Approach: Utilize Contentful's robust API to integrate with these tools, allowing for flexible content delivery and data exchange.

2. Middleware: Consider using a middleware layer (like MuleSoft or an open-source alternative like Apache Camel) to orchestrate data flow between systems.

3. Custom Development: Some custom development will likely be necessary to create a seamless experience across these different tools.

4. Unified Frontend: Develop a unified frontend layer that pulls content from Contentful and enhances it with data from other integrated systems.

5. Data Sync: Implement robust data synchronization processes to ensure consistency across all platforms.

Challenges and Considerations:

1. Integration Complexity: Integrating multiple systems can be complex and requires careful planning and execution.

2. Data Consistency: Ensuring data consistency across various platforms can be challenging and may require additional data management tools or processes.

3. Performance: With multiple systems in play, monitoring and optimizing overall system performance becomes crucial.

4. Security: Implementing proper security measures across all integrated systems is essential, especially for handling customer data.

5. Scalability: Ensure that all chosen solutions can scale with your business growth.

By carefully selecting and integrating these tools, organizations can create a powerful, flexible alternative to traditional DXPs. This approach allows for more customization and can often be more cost-effective, especially for organizations that don't need all the features of a full DXP or prefer a more modular approach.

Benefits of Adopting a Headless CMS, DXP-like Ecosystem for Digital Transformation

  1. Flexibility and Scalability

    • Modular Approach: By integrating best-of-breed solutions, organizations can customize their digital ecosystem to fit their specific needs.

    • Scalability: Each component can be scaled independently, allowing for more efficient resource allocation and cost management.

    • Future-Proofing: As needs evolve, individual components can be replaced or upgraded without overhauling the entire system.

  2. Improved Customer Experience

    • Omnichannel Delivery: Contentful's headless architecture allows content to be delivered seamlessly across multiple channels and devices.

    • Personalization: Integration with tools like Dynamic Yield or Apache Camel enables highly personalized user experiences.

    • Consistency: A centralized content hub ensures brand and message consistency across all touchpoints.

  3. Operational Efficiency

    • Centralized Content Management: Contentful serves as a single source of truth for content, streamlining workflows and reducing redundancy.

    • Automation: Integration with marketing automation tools like Marketo or Mautic can significantly reduce manual tasks.

    • Improved Collaboration: Clear separation of concerns allows different teams (content creators, developers, marketers) to work more efficiently.

  4. Data-Driven Decision Making

    • Unified Data View: Integrating analytics and customer data platforms provides a comprehensive view of customer interactions and behavior.

    • Real-time Insights: Tools like Google Analytics 360 or Matomo offer real-time data for quick decision-making.

    • Experimentation: Easy integration with A/B testing tools allows for continuous optimization of content and user experience.

  5. Cost-Effectiveness

    • Pay for What You Need: Unlike all-in-one DXP solutions, this approach allows organizations to invest only in the features they require.

    • Open-Source Options: For startups and smaller organizations, open-source alternatives provide powerful capabilities at a lower cost.

    • Reduced Vendor Lock-in: The modular nature of this ecosystem reduces dependence on a single vendor, potentially lowering long-term costs.

  6. Faster Time-to-Market

    • Agile Content Operations: Contentful's API-first approach allows for rapid content creation, updates, and distribution.

    • Parallel Development: Frontend and backend teams can work simultaneously, speeding up development cycles.

    • Reusable Components: Content modeling in Contentful enables the creation of reusable content structures, accelerating content production.

  7. Enhanced Security and Compliance

    • Granular Access Control: Contentful and other enterprise-grade tools offer robust user management and access controls.

    • Data Governance: Integration with specialized data management tools helps in maintaining data integrity and compliance with regulations like GDPR.

  8. Global Reach and Localization

    • Multi-language Support: Contentful's strong localization features, combined with other tools, facilitate efficient management of global content.

    • Market-Specific Customization: The flexibility of this ecosystem allows for easy customization for different markets and regions.

  9. Innovation Enablement

    • API-First Architecture: Enables easy integration with emerging technologies and channels (e.g., IoT devices, AR/VR).

    • Experimentation: The modular nature allows for testing new tools and strategies without significant risk or investment.

  10. Improved Developer Experience

    • Modern Tech Stack: Developers can work with cutting-edge technologies, improving job satisfaction and attracting talent.

    • Simplified Deployment: Contentful's cloud-native architecture, combined with modern CI/CD tools, streamlines deployment processes.

  11. Business Agility

    • Rapid Adaptation: The flexible architecture allows quick pivots in strategy or business model.

    • Scalable Growth: As the business grows, the digital ecosystem can easily adapt to increasing demands and complexity.

By adopting this Contentful-centered, DXP-like ecosystem, organizations can drive their digital transformation more effectively. They gain the ability to deliver exceptional digital experiences, operate more efficiently, and adapt quickly to changing market conditions and customer expectations. This approach combines the robustness of enterprise solutions with the flexibility and innovation typically associated with more agile, startup-like architectures.

This strategic approach to digital transformation not only addresses immediate business needs but also positions organizations for long-term success in an increasingly digital-first world.


Choosing the right headless CMS depends on your specific needs, technical expertise, and project requirements. Contentful offers a robust, enterprise-ready solution with excellent scalability and integrations. Sanity provides unparalleled customization and real-time features. Hygraph excels in GraphQL-based projects and content federation. Strapi offers the flexibility of open-source with a user-friendly interface.

Consider factors such as your team's technical skills, budget, scalability needs, and specific feature requirements when making your decision. It may be beneficial to try out each platform's free tier or trial period to get a hands-on feel for their capabilities and user experience.

Remember that the headless CMS landscape is rapidly evolving, so it's worth keeping an eye on updates and new features from these platforms as you make your decision.

For global enterprise brands looking for a solution that can serve as a central content hub and integrate with diverse marketing channels, Contentful emerges as a strong contender among these options. However, the choice should still be made based on specific organizational needs, existing technology stack, and long-term digital strategy.

Get In Touch

If you're serious about elevating your marketing and digital strategy to bring your organization to the next level, it's time to embrace a digital-first approach. At Alpha Digital Group, we specialize in driving transformative growth through cutting-edge digital strategies and expert business consulting. Our team of seasoned professionals combines deep industry knowledge with innovative digital solutions to help you navigate the ever-changing business landscape.

Whether you're looking to optimize your marketing efforts, enhance your digital presence, or revolutionize your commercial strategy, we have the expertise to guide you every step of the way. Our comprehensive services include:

  • Marketing Strategy Development

  • Digital Transformation

  • Commercial Strategy Optimization

  • Interim Leadership Support

  • AI and Data Strategy Implementation

  • Demand and Revenue Generation

Don't let your business fall behind in the digital age. Visit www.alphadigitalgroup.co today to explore how we can tailor our solutions to your unique needs. Ready to start your journey towards unprecedented growth? Contact Ross at ross@alphadigitalgroup.co to discuss how we can develop winning marketing, digital, and commercial strategies that will elevate your business to the next level.

Ross Brannigan, CEO of Alpha Digital Group

With 15 years of experience helping businesses of all sizes and sectors develop winning strategies, I'm here to provide impartial and confidential guidance. Let's unlock the boundless possibilities for your organization together.

Alpha Digital Group - Empowering Your Digital Journey and Unlocking Boundless Possibilities.